Jo julkaisusta asti Red Orchestra 2:n pistejärjestelmä on temppuillut niin paljon, että Tripwire päätti korjata tilannetta nollaamalla kaikkien pelaajien pisteet ja saavutukset. Pelaajat saavat Steamin kautta suuren päivityksen, jolla on kokoa yli 8 gigaa. Tripwire jatkaa yhä pelivirheiden korjailua.
Aikaisempien pelaajien ei suinkaan tarvitse aloittaa pelaamista nollatasolta, vaan heidät ovat korotettu automaattisesti lvl 10 Honoriin. Lisäksi heille lätkähtää B4 Reset -saavutus.
Lähde:, Steam
Liity Red Orchestra 2:nään! @ Quakenet
Stability & Performance
Aikaisempien pelaajien ei suinkaan tarvitse aloittaa pelaamista nollatasolta, vaan heidät ovat korotettu automaattisesti lvl 10 Honoriin. Lisäksi heille lätkähtää B4 Reset -saavutus.
The stats reset has gone live. Players for the immediate future will be earning double experience to make up for lost time and will start at lvl 10 Honor. They will also gain the In B4 Reset achievement, we will be using that to reward players in the future.
- [TW]Yoshiro
- [TW]Yoshiro
By most business measures Red Orchestra 2 has been a smashing success for Tripwire Interactive. Within 2 days of the launch of the game it had surpassed the lifetime revenue of the original Red Orchestra that has been selling for over 5 years. The pre-sales and launch week sales of the game broke all company records, even beating out our hit game Killing Floor by a three-fold margin. But for all of this success we've not done as well as we would have liked in the most important area to us - the happiness of all of our customers. To put it bluntly, the game had a rough launch. We've been working diligently since launch to get these issues sorted and have made great progress fixing issues with matchmaking, VOIP, and stability as well as improving performance. The final major area that we've been working on is stats, player progression and ranking.
We have now fixed all of the major issues with the stats system and released an update yesterday to address these issues. Due to the problems with stats and players either earning stats and achievements that they didn't actually earn or earning stats at many times the intended rate, we are going to have to do a global reset of all stats for the game. This means all achievements, stats and player progression will be rolled back as if all players were new. This was not an easy decision for us to make, but one we felt we needed to do to preserve the integrity of the stats and ranking system, and to provide all of the players the best experience with the game over the long term. Knowing that there are people that have been playing the game for a few weeks now and will lose the stats for that time we are going to provide a special bonus to all players. For the next few weeks all players will earn double experience in Red Orchestra 2. This means if a player plays the game during the double experience period they will quickly get their experience up to where they would have been had these issues never existed. Additionally, we are going to give those playing the game during the double experience period a special achievement called "In B4 Reset". Right now this is just an achievement, but we're going to be looking at ways to give special rewards to the players that have this achievement in the future.
Thank you to all of the players that have made Red Orchestra 2 a hit so far. We've got a lot of exciting things in store with free content coming for the game so stay tuned over the coming weeks for more news on that front!
We have now fixed all of the major issues with the stats system and released an update yesterday to address these issues. Due to the problems with stats and players either earning stats and achievements that they didn't actually earn or earning stats at many times the intended rate, we are going to have to do a global reset of all stats for the game. This means all achievements, stats and player progression will be rolled back as if all players were new. This was not an easy decision for us to make, but one we felt we needed to do to preserve the integrity of the stats and ranking system, and to provide all of the players the best experience with the game over the long term. Knowing that there are people that have been playing the game for a few weeks now and will lose the stats for that time we are going to provide a special bonus to all players. For the next few weeks all players will earn double experience in Red Orchestra 2. This means if a player plays the game during the double experience period they will quickly get their experience up to where they would have been had these issues never existed. Additionally, we are going to give those playing the game during the double experience period a special achievement called "In B4 Reset". Right now this is just an achievement, but we're going to be looking at ways to give special rewards to the players that have this achievement in the future.
Thank you to all of the players that have made Red Orchestra 2 a hit so far. We've got a lot of exciting things in store with free content coming for the game so stay tuned over the coming weeks for more news on that front!
Lähde:, Steam
Liity Red Orchestra 2:nään! @ Quakenet
- Fixed stats and acheivements being awarded when they shouldn't have been and sometimes not saving stats on ranked servers. This requires a global stat and achievement reset which will be happening soon.
- Fixed several number display issues in the profile menu and after action report
- Honor, class, and weapon experience are all currently doubled to help make up for stats lost to the reset
- A new achievement has been added which is unlocked simply by playing RO2 during the double xp for players affected by the stat reset
- Reloading can be interrupted by melee or switching weapons
- Fixed quick grenade not returning to the previously equipped weapon
- Fixed team wounding counting as kill
- Fixed kill assists not showing up all the time
- Fixed Countdown Time to Beat being always 0
- Fixed timers showing wrong numbers in the single player campaign
- Fixed tank AI being able to see through smoke
- Fixed tank cannon smoke shells not blocking any AI vision
Stability & Performance
- Major optimization pass on all maps should increase performance across the board
- Reduced Alt
- Tab crashing
- Fixed post
- processing preset resetting itself in the video settings menu
- Fixed glowing outline/rainbow colors around the screen for certain machines
- Fixed a bug causing all audio to cut out after a map change
- Graphical improvements to environments, weapons and vehicle interior - areas or vehicles/weapons not in direct sunlight now have working specularity which will help make normal maps more visible and textures to look less flat
- New Umbra release and optimization
- General CPU optimizations
- Fix for commandline setting of webadmin values not saving after multiple map changes
08.10.2011 12:57
08.10.2011 16:42
08.10.2011 17:43
Pelin koko 8GB + Patchin koko 8GB = ????
Suurin osa tiedostoista korvaantuu eikä lisäänny.
Team: [KJ]
08.10.2011 18:07
(steami kokoajan auki niin en ole pakosti huomannut jos se on jotain päivitellyt)
08.10.2011 18:08
Team: {MB}
08.10.2011 18:23
Team: [KJ]
08.10.2011 19:54
Murr. Olis kiva päästä jatkamaan siitä mihin beta jäi.
08.10.2011 20:04
Pelin koko 8GB + Patchin koko 8GB = ????
Suurin osa tiedostoista korvaantuu eikä lisäänny.
Sitä tarkoitinkin, että korvaantuuko alkuperäiset tiedostot 100%?
08.10.2011 22:16
Pelin koko 8GB + Patchin koko 8GB = ????
Suurin osa tiedostoista korvaantuu eikä lisäänny.
Sitä tarkoitinkin, että korvaantuuko alkuperäiset tiedostot 100%?
mun mielestä se patchi oli vain 3,8gb eikä 8gb.
09.10.2011 00:38
Pelin koko 8GB + Patchin koko 8GB = ????
Suurin osa tiedostoista korvaantuu eikä lisäänny.
Sitä tarkoitinkin, että korvaantuuko alkuperäiset tiedostot 100%?
mun mielestä se patchi oli vain 3,8gb eikä 8gb.
Tekstissä ainakin sanotaan "yli 8 gigaa"
09.10.2011 01:07
09.10.2011 09:29
09.10.2011 11:27
Ai niin tälläinenkin tuli ostettua. Noh jospa sitä koittais että onko kelvollinen nyt pelattavaksi. Oli muuten viiminen kerta kun ennakkotilaan mitään paskaa.
Kompataan.. en kyllä tykänny pelistä.. oisinko 2kertaa pelannu koko roskaa
09.10.2011 14:10
14.10.2011 23:18
EDIT: Juu olin näköjään ostanu jonkuu version missä oli myös ykkosversio pelistä eikä stalingrad 2. :D Ups.