/ 04.08.2004 12:00

Who Dares Wins lähestyy 0.15 version julkaisemistaan ja nyt esillä on kuvakaappauksia Battle of Mogadishun yöversiosta.

Meet Mogadishu nights, the nighttime version of Battle of Mogadishu. This is based on the part of the battle where the Delta and Rangers were holed up in buildings near the first crash site at night. There are no vehicles on this map, just pure infantry combat.

We have several other maps in the works or the pipeline, including Fallujah and the siege of the Dubrovka theater in Moscow in... / 11.08.2004 23:39

Se on täällä! Battlefield Pirates -turnaukseen ilmottautuminen on alkanut.

I am pleased to announce that signups for the Official BFP Leauge have begun in the Clan Discussion forums. The rules for the event go as follows:

Your Leauge admins will be-
-K9 Carlos

Team Sizes-

Teams may consist of up to 16 players, but no less than 8. The maximum number of players that may play in a match is 12 per side. If a team has more members... / 11.08.2004 12:47

Black Hawk Down valmistuu sittenkin, sillä edellisen uutisen ansiosta he ovat saaneet useita ihmisiä mukaan tiimiin. Modi tullaan julkaisemaan molemmille alustoille, niin BF1942:lle kuin BF Vietnamiinkin.

The Development team and I would like to thank all of those who applied to assist BHDMod with completing this great task that this mod has become. We've received well over 30 Applications, and more continue to come in. It's taking a bit of time to sort through all of them, but I'm proud to announce that BHDMod has hired 6... / 10.08.2004 14:48

Desert Combat Extended on julkaissut kolme taustakuvaa ajankuluksi. Kaikki ovat 1024x768-tarkkuudella.

Here are some nice new Wallpapers for you all to enjoy while you sit back and wait for the next release. Note: Click on the image to get the full-sized picture.

Enjoy. These of course were made by {DCX}A13x.

[kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva / 08.08.2004 16:55
Three Crowns -modi sai jälleen uuden jäsenen ja samalla esiteltiin hänen ensimmäinen projektinsa modin kimpussa, Swedish M96 Mauser. Näin Cpt.Sandgren kertoi asiasta:

Well I have some news for you guys, the first news is that we have a new member, he is an modeller and his name is TheWharGoul. He is a great modeller and he has already modelled us a weapon, the Swedish M96 Mauser. And of course i have a pic of it. As you probably can see it has not yet been skinned. The Swedish M96 Mauser in it's glory!

[kuva][/kuva] / 08.08.2004 16:46
Zarkowilla on asiaa liittyen seuraavan avoimen betaversion julkistamiseen Silent Heroes:sta. Katsotaan mitä hän kertoo:

As development is slowly going forward during this very hot summer of ours, Team SH are today announcing the date for the next public beta - Friday the 20th of August 2004.

This release is primarly a bug-fix and tweaks-release, with some new content. Over the coming months you will notice much more frequent releases. This enables us to get small fixes and tweakes out much sooner to you, the players, after they have been discovered. More frequent releases however makes... / 08.08.2004 16:43

X_VanTagE_X uutisoi uudesta aseesta nimeltään "Chauchat".

During the last few days, the team has granted itself a little bit of rest. However, not without touching up a few details on Battlefield 1918. The most visible result of this comes from Thorus. Take a look at his new Chauchat MG.

[kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva

Because the previous version of this French machinegun was no longer up to standards with the rest of our equipment, Thorus made it his duty...


Uusi kenttä sekä tankki luvassa Forgotten Hope:n seuraavaan päivitykseen. Antaa kuvien puhua puolestaan:

Welcome back folks for another update as we approach our massive internal testing phase to work out all of those kinks to ensure that the next release of Forgotten Hope is as best as it can be.

Today we have one new vehicle render to show off, this time it is the newly redone M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer, redone by lobo in order to greatly improve the look, and performance of this... / 07.08.2004 14:25
Multigaming-klaani MeetYourMakers vahvisti toissapäivänä supistavansa rankasti tukemiensa pelien määrää. Lopettamispäätöksen välttivät ainoastaan Counter-Strike ja Warcraft 3 -klaanit. Näin ollen Frostiis jatkaa nykyisin taas omalla nimellään ja m¥m-tagit jäävät historiaan. Saman kohtalon koki neljä muuta klaania.

We simply have to face the fact that we can’t make everyone happy, which is quite hard with 110 people in staff and it is in our eyes better, as a team, better to be able to give 100% backup in regard to time, money and sponsors, than having to struggle dividing things into tiny pieces in 9 different divisions and often... / 07.08.2004 14:11 pääsi esikatselemaan Battlefield 2:sta ja julkaisi samalla kertaa kaksi kuvaa pelistä. Itse artikkeli on saksankielellä, joten testin sisällöstä en osaa sanoa enempää.

Kuvat ovat aivan uskomattoman hienonnäköisiä ja varsinkin ensimmäisen kuvan perusteella leuat loksahtavat auki pakosta. Huhhuh!

[kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva


Black Hawk Down -modi joutui ongelmiin useiden modia tehneiden ihmisten jättäessä hommansa. Nytpä he pyytävätkin yhteisöltä apua ja etsivät vapaaehtoisia mukaan projektiin. Samalla julkaistiin kuva M16A2:sta.

It is with my unfortunate duty to report to the Community that BHDMod, is now Dead in the Water. Several Staff members have left due to other commitments, and will not be returning to BHDMod to continue their work. It is with this, that we make one last request to the community to join the BHDMod staff to assist with completing the Mod....


Surreal on postannut kuvia uusiksi tehdyistä objekteista. Aikaisemmin kaikki oli värjätty sateenkaaren värein.

Well I've been practising and trying real hard at skinning. Here's the latest results. Not in Merciless or FH league but much better than the pink and purple ones below. Wheels in this first one are by Stuka before he had to leave, as is the base material. He also made the cool Militia logo as well.

[kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva [kuva][/kuva]kuva
[kuva][/kuva] / 06.08.2004 12:52

Action Battlefield päivittyi myös, nyt uusin versio on 1.152. Päivitys sisältää bugikorjauksia ja yhden uuden kentän.

The ActionBF 1.152 patch is available for download!!!

-Fixed the scoreboard
-Fixed Punkbuster enable button
-Tweaked the M1Garand for the support class (deadlier than ever)
-Minor tweaks for the B-17, flamethrower, missiles and bunkers.
-Includes ABF_Moon, a new map made by sPro Dogboydan!
Installer made by sPro Dogboydan! Thanks man!
You have patch 1.151 preinstalled? Grab any 1.152 files here and join the battle online!!!

Matzel also created the FULL... / 06.08.2004 12:49

Desert Combat Extended esitteli uuden kentän latauskuvansa. Myöskin muutoksia koki heidän IRC-serverinsä.

Recently I've been experimenting with menu editing and decided that i would make DCX its own custom LoadMenu to set it apart from DC & BF42. So after lots of fussing and fighting this is what i came up with:


Some of the changes include swapping the loadbar and LOADING .... text, adding the % loaded text and a new loadbar. Note: There may be changes made, we... / 06.08.2004 12:42

Interstate 1982 1.81 on julkaistu.

Version 1.81 :

-Fixed Deathrace cheat
-Improved DBS racings jumper
-Improved performance for streetrace and streets.
-Improved overall server performance.
-Removed the ability to flip back our cars on wheels once on the roof to avoid exploit

p.s : Please admin add CTF maps on your mapcycle (you can mix gameplay with BF 1.6) and allow voting for best playability ;)